Si Vis Pacem...

(If you want Peace...)

Thoughts to share...

"But if the goal pursued was, not to remain alive, but to remain human ?" This sentence from Orwell would not appear in the mouth of Spartacus, whose last words, according to legend, were: "I will return, and I will be millions..."

To try to get a somewhat correct idea of the subject that all the press is talking about... We offer you this expanded version of the article Ukraine coveted and torn apart published by Jean-Marie Chauvier in the Aide-mémoire magazine n°69 ( July-August-September 2014) of the Territoires de la Mémoire association. Jean-Marie Chauvier is a...

Bien sûr... Bien sûr, je connais le nouvel habitus, le process devenu ordinaire en ce XXIe siècle. Flinguer le messager, et pour cela tous les moyens sont bons, pour s'éviter, fort opportunément, de prendre la peine d'écouter, au moins, et prendre en compte, le message...

An article written by John Pilger for Counterpunch on May 2, 2023, which could be summarized as follows: "Where are we at ?" - "How did we get there ?" - and "Why is it worse than ever?"...

"Carte Blanche" written by Anne Morelli, Historian, professor at the ULB, specialist in historical criticism applied to modern media, in response to the reproaches addressed to her for having participated in a demonstration for Peace in Ukraine. This "carte blanche" was refused by the two "reference daily newspapers" in French-speaking Belgium (Le...