Peace must be shared !

It’s absolutely essential !

"There are real foods everywhere. What is most lacking are real appetites." (Victor Segalen)

"It's not the wind that decides your destination, it's the direction you give your sail. The wind is the same for everyone." (Jim Rohn)

On the web: Links

The great paradox of the 21st century is perhaps that since everything is just a click away, nothing is within reach of hand anymore... A bit as if the overabundance of information condemned us to no longer know what to do with it.

So we will limit ourselves, rather than lining up a plethora of references, all very interesting, for sure, to offering you here a few selected adresses, invitations to push the exploration further, if possible off the beaten track...

Don't hesitate, as well, to share your interesting discoveries with us...

In the garden: "sur le rebord du monde" (on the edge of the world)...

To get (re)acquainted, exchange news, rebuild the world a little bit too, La Belgo-Criméenne welcomes you to the garden, in Seilles (Andenne), every Friday from 5 to 7 !

The program will depend on the season, current events, mood and opportunities (see the Almanac below). Thus, our first edition, on June 23, 2023, offered you cherry picking!... That of July 21 played out overtime in the form of a Belgian-Russian barbecue... That of December 29 inaugurated our "little market" and the winter distribution of Jerusalem artichokes (topinambours)...

If you have suggestions for other meetings, don't hesitate...

On country roads, over hill and valley, with the UBUNTU team...

So why walk?

"If you can't think, walk. - If you think too much, walk. - If you think badly, walk some more." said Jean Giono.

Or more simply, because nothing beats a good walk in the nature to freshen up the body and mind, simple healthy habit...

The UBUNTU team was originally formed many years ago to take on the challenge of the Oxfam Trailwalker. From the year 2024, several meetings will be on the program to allow everyone to participate. The answer to the classic question: "what is most important about the destination or the trip" being, in fact: "the company!"

More info here (all dates can also be found in the almanac below).

To offer, to others or to yourself: The Shop

(Under construction)


Remote or face-to-face, as we say today, and even if we obviously prefer the second possibility, it is easy to follow us, wherever you are...

Almanach Belgo-Criméen (under construction)

The idea, since it is good to present a calendar of our activities, and since we are an inter-cultural association, is to take the opportunity to put here, in French, the Russian ephemeris and traditions, and in Russian, the Belgian ephemeris and traditions...

Will you be able to recognize what it is about in the other's language?... (sorry for English speaking persons... Not possible to play the game with a third language...)

(Click on the image to see the month...)