Prolegomena and obstetrics...
At the beginning... (circumnavigation...) - video in French (sorry - we work ob the translation...)
"But for me, it is an aptitude of my sensitivity, the aptitude to sense the diverse, that I establish as an aesthetic principle of my knowledge of the world."
(V. Segalen, Essay on exoticism.)
At the beginning... (circumnavigation...) - video in French (sorry - we work ob the translation...)
Question for a "Trivial Pursuit", or a TV game show...
View of Yalta and the Black Sea from Ai Petri.
To offer to whoever you want, or to yourself !... Urgently ! Mutual Aid: A factor of Evolution by Peter Kropotkin (Пётр Алексеевич Кропоткин).
Could "Olivier Salad" (Салат оливье) be a Belgian-Russian salad ?...
Known internationally (and often "adapted" to local taste and resources) under the name "Russian salad", it remains, among other things, an essential dish for New Year's celebrations in Russia, where it still bears the name of its most famous interpreter...
Карандаш (karandash): Russian word coming from the Turkish karadaş, formed from kara = black and daş = stone (same origin as in the Tatar qara taş = graphite). Карандаш = pencil.
Город (Gorad) = City. Comes from the Norse Gardr, which means "enclosure". Thus, the Vikings called early Russia "Gardariki", literally "the land of enclosures".