Art of Snark
Atelier - Galerie
Art of Snark
Remember that we first had to be "Erectus" to be able to become "Habilis", and then, perhaps, "Sapiens"...
Remember that it is with the same brain that we do trigonometric calculations and that we fall in love!
That having confused "intelligence" and "logos" for so long has made us hemiplegic, and that it is high time to relearn "poietos" as an essential dimension, constitutive of our humanity.
Le Monde est Stone
Belgian "Blue Stone" Workshop
Traditional know-how closely linked to the nature of our land...
In addition to some decorative objects that you can find on our shop, our work is generally made to order. Whatever your projects, ideas, desires, do not hesitate to contact us. Also for "restoration advice" (or creation)...
Inscription (engraving) on funerary monument (in Belgian "blue stone") in situ at the cemetery possible from April to October (depending on weather).
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Logo - Layout - Poster
various things...
For children of war...
(Soon here)
(en préparation)